Integrative Psychiatry- My New Role

It is no secret that so many people are having problems with their mental health. People are talking about it more, which is important, because we need to know that a problem exists so that we can create solutions. Talking about mental health also helps us to realize...

Brussels Sprouts, Chard, Onion and Bacon Fritatta Recipe

In keeping with my super simple meals, I love a quick frittata. These eggs can be made with virtually any combination of vegetables that you have sitting in your fridge. Making frittata is a great way to use up some left-overs. This is one I made the other night with...

Strategies for a Symptom-Free Perimenopause

I’m just going to be real here and tell you that, just like every woman before me, I am in the perimenopausal stage of my life. What is messed up is that I hesitated to write that- thinking that it is too private and slightly embarrassing, which is awful, because...

How to Prevent the Need for a New Knee (and other joints)

It seems to be entirely commonplace to have a joint or two replaced. We seem to think that joint replacements and injuries are due to an active lifestyle- that years of athletics and activity lead to “wear and tear”, and that if we avoid these surgeries we are either...