Ground Beef, Broccoli and Fennel Salad with Quick Pickled Onions

In the throes of summer heat, I find it difficult to eat the roasted cruciferous veggies that are so common in my diet in the winter. I really don’t love raw broccoli, cauliflower and brussels sprouts so I find ways to make them taste better by lightly steaming them...
How to Read Your Food Labels

How to Read Your Food Labels

One of the most confusing things about health, in general, is knowing what to eat. There is so much diet confusion, which I think is only getting worse with all the documentaries and books and recommendations by celebrity doctors. It is extremely difficult to...

Fridge Clean Out Veggie Scramble

Sometimes I just don’t want to cook. I am sure you feel me. On those nights, instead of calling a restaurant for take out, I grab some veggies out of the fridge, recruit my husband for chopping, and make my version of breakfast for dinner: a vegetable scramble. It is...

How to Prevent the Need for a New Knee (and other joints)

It seems to be entirely commonplace to have a joint or two replaced. We seem to think that joint replacements and injuries are due to an active lifestyle- that years of athletics and activity lead to “wear and tear”, and that if we avoid these surgeries we are either...

Strategies for a Symptom-Free Perimenopause

I’m just going to be real here and tell you that, just like every woman before me, I am in the perimenopausal stage of my life. What is messed up is that I hesitated to write that- thinking that it is too private and slightly embarrassing, which is awful, because...